Monday, September 22, 2008

Vets Slam McCain

There is a clear difference between John McCain's reckless disregard for American veterans and Barack Obama's consistent support for our military heroes. These policy differences are clear in the vote ratings issued year after year by the most well known veterans' organizations.

Sen. Barack Obama supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 80 percent in 2006, a year when the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave Sen. Obama a grade of B+. Sen. Obama supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 92 percent in 2005.

By contrast, Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 20 percent in 2006. In 2006 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave Sen. John McCain a grade of D. Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 25 percent in 2005. Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 50 percent in 2004.

Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the The American Legion 50 percent in 2003. Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the Vietnam Veterans of America 46 percent in 2001. Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 66 percent in 1999. Sen. John McCain supported the interests of the Vietnam Veterans of America 0 percent in 1997-1998. On the votes that the Vietnam Veterans of America considered to be the most important in 1989-1990, Sen. John McCain voted their preferred position 50 percent of the time.

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